

ISO 9001在Galaxy Wire电缆制造中的作用乐动体育电竞app乐动APP登录

(来自Galaxy Ceo的Eri乐动APP登录c Lutz)

乐动APP登录Galaxy是ISO 9001:2015认证的DEKRA As Galaxy Wire & Cable was nearing our surveillance audit for ISO 9001:2008, we began to reflect on the role ISO has played in our company. Specifically, we wanted to see what has improved and by how much. What we found was that we can see and measure real improvements in a great majority of our processes. These improvements can be seen through data that is captured, analyzed and reviewed regularly.

虽然ISO 9001标准没有解决制造商如何生产产品,但它提供了重要的过程,使制造商能够不断提高其产品的质量和交付给客户。短语“持续改进”是ISO 9001标准的基石。当ISO 9001标准正确实施时,它将允许制造商识别需要改进的区域,并确保可以识别,纠正和实施的新计划,以防止不需要的结果。

一些制造商可能会将ISO 9001标准视为不必要的,浪费时间。ISO 9001是否真的影响了公司的收入和底线?简短的答案是 - 绝对。从第一手经验implementing and achieving ISO 9001:2008 in 2014,我们可以看到它如何帮助我们的公司更强大。由于实施ISO 9001:2008,我们更加了解从仓库到生产楼层到前台的所有流程。它帮助我们协调了我们的所有流程,并使每个部门支持所有部门的终极目标是满足客户的最终目标。

我们始终拥有强大的流程和高质量,但我们缺乏的数据是展示我们实际做的事情。通过遵循ISO 9001标准和流程,我们可以清楚地看到需要改进的区域,并以指尖的方法解决它们。一些改进似乎很小,但作为集体整体,他们考虑了主要改进公司广泛。

Galaxy is an engineering service oriented company. As Galaxy continues to grow we are confident that we have the processes and framework in place, including ISO 9001, to achieve our short and long term goals.
